The first update concerns the data import into the add-in. This process was double accelerated. So your data will be imported faster.
The second update is more intelligent recognition of the predicted data type of variables. Add-in is now able to better recognize imported data and determine the appropriate data type for individual variables.
The third change is new column in the Create Dataset dialog - Sample Value. This column contains a sample value for each variable. With this enhancement, it is now possible to work more efficiently with data types of individual variables.

The fourth change concerns the main window of Reshape.XL add-in. In the side panel, individual applied features are shown at the top. When you click on the selected function, you will see the help functions on the right to move or delete the function. A new feature has been added to this section - Help.

Clicking this button displays the online documentation for the selected feature on The displayed page contains a definition of the function and its configurable arguments, a video-tutorial and a detailed description of its use. You can also achieve the same result in you press F1 key after selecting a function from the list. The documentation of Reshape.XL functions is not finished and I’m still working on it.
The described changes and modifications increase the efficiency and the benefits of using the Reshape.XL add-in. I plan to continue on this effort in the future. If you have any problem using the add-in or have an idea, do not hesitate to contact me.